Temperature Triggers: Spain and China

Temperature Triggers: Spain and China

‘Stop work’ temperature triggers have emerged as a prominent trade union demand to alleviate the risks of higher temperatures on workers. In a new report prepared for the Climate, Society and Environment Research Centre (CSERC) UTS and the Too Hot To Work project,...
Symposium: Labour and Climate Change

Symposium: Labour and Climate Change

On 12 July Too Hot for Work and C-SERC convened a symposium for political economists, geographers and aligned social scientists investigating the impacts of climate change on workers. Researchers are examining a broad range of often intersecting issues — labour...
All Hands on Deck: A cross-disciplinary symposium

All Hands on Deck: A cross-disciplinary symposium

In July Dr Elizabeth Humphrys spoke at the All Hands on Deck Symposium at UTS, organised by Jesse Adams-Stein and Chantel Carr. Recordings from a number of sessions are now available on the website and Soundcloud. Elizabeth’s talk on the Law. Labour and Climate...
Hot under the collar: climate change on the job

Hot under the collar: climate change on the job

The following post was first published on the Progress in Political Economy blog Exposure to high heat and humidity in the workplace is a critical health and safety issue, and in Australia, where heat waves are occurring with more frequency and intensity as a result...
‘Zonked the hell out’

‘Zonked the hell out’

This week the first journal article based on our research with the United Workers Union was published in Economic and Labour Relations Review. The United Workers Union is one of the largest blue-collar unions in Australia, with approximately 150,000 members across 45...
Hot, hard and dangerous

Hot, hard and dangerous

Elizabeth Humphrys was recently a guest on the On the Job podcast, hosted by Francis Leach and Sally Rugg, discussing our report for the United Workers Union. From the podcast show notes… As the COP26 climate change talks in Glasgow loom up, Australia is on a...